Recording of Vaadin Dev Day Spring 2021

I had the pleasure to speak at the Vaadin Dev Day about “High-performance data access with Vaadin”.


I had the pleasure to speak at the Vaadin Dev Day about “High-performance data access with Vaadin”.

I had the pleasure to speak at the Vaadin Dev Day about “High-performance data access with Vaadin”.

The recording is available on YouTube:

Programming Architect at 72® Services
Simon Martinelli ist ein versierter Experte für Java, Leistungsoptimierung, Anwendungsintegration, Softwarearchitektur und Systemdesign mit 27 Jahren Erfahrung als Entwickler, Architekt und technischer Projektmanager. Kontaktieren Sie mich hier oder buchen Sie einen Beratungstermin über Calendly.
Simon Martinelli
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Simon Martinelli
Programming Architect 72® Services
Simon Martinelli is an accomplished expert in Java, performance optimization, application integration, software architecture and system design with 27 years of experience as a developer, architect and technical project manager. Contact me here or book a consulting appointment via Calendly.